Asia Focal Point for the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus (GIYC)

Asia Focal Point for the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus (GIYC)

The Global Indigenous Youth Caucus (GIYC) serves as a platform for indigenous youth to advocate in the international community and have indigenous youth the venue where they can share stories, struggles and action that indigenous youth experience across the globe. The GIYC gathered indigenous youth in events like the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII). Since the first session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), young indigenous participants have gathered together and, since the caucus’ formal inception in 2006, developed statements voicing concerns of the Youth. The UNPFII formally recognized the GIYC as a working caucus in 2008.

Each year, the members of the GIYC votes for the co-chair and focal point person for the global region. Members of the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus completed their annual elections for their new Global Coordination Committee (2019-2020). The Global Coordination Committee of the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus consists of three Co-Chairs, and regional Focal Points representing each of the seven sociocultural Indigenous regions.


Carson Kiburo Kibett (Kenya), Jessica Vega Ortega (Mexico) and Victor Anthony Lopez-Carmen (United States)


Mai Thin Yu Mon, Asia Focal Point (Myanmar)

Anish Shrestha, Asia Focal Point (Nepal)

Aisah Mariano , Asia Focal Point (Philippines)

Hannah Martin, North America Focal Point (Canada)

Kelly Fraser, Arctic Focal Point (Canada)

Carrington Christmas, North America Focal Point (Canada)

Dayana Urzola Domicó, Latin America & Carribean Focal Point (Colombia)

Taily Terena, Latin America & Carribean Focal Point (Brasil)

Maria Antonia Benito Tomas, Latin America & Carribean Focal Point (Guatemala)

Alexis Raven Manzano, North America Focal Point (United States)

Seqininnguaq Poulsen, Arctic Focal Point (Greenland)

Enni Similä, Arctic Focal Point (Finland)

Natalia Vaskova, Russia, Eastern Europe, Transcaucasia Focal Point (Russia)

Jack Collard, Pacific Focal Point (Australia)

Julia Faye Munoz, Pacific Focal Point (Guam)

Yves Minani, Africa Focal Point (Burundi)

Amy Andrews, Africa Focal Point (South Africa)


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